Ophelia Hand Tied Rose Bouquet


Ophelia hand tied rose bouquet using large headed long stemmed freedom red roses, arranged with textured foliage and eucalyptus. Wrapped in complimentary wrapping and presented in a gift box.

  • Small – 6 roses
  • Medium – 12 roses
  • Large – 18 roses
  • Deluxe – 24 roses
  • Super Deluxe – 48 roses

If you would prefer a different rose colour Pink/White/Lemon etc please add note in comments box on order page.

See our full range of hand tied bouquets here

We also have chocolates, candles and vases that you can send along with your Ophelia hand tied rose bouquet to make the perfect gift! Click here for a selection of perfect gifts

Flower care: To keep your fresh flowers looking fresh we recommend changing the water every other day and using the flower food provided. Snip a small amount of the stem off when you refresh the water. Keep away from heat sources or direct sunlight.

Nationwide delivery available only on Chocolates, Dried Flowers, Grow bars, Seedboms, Candles, Wreaths and Wreath kits. Please allow extra days for delivery. We do not deliver fresh flowers Nationwide.

Local delivery: Delivery will be available Monday to Saturday.  Local delivery will be available to the following postcodes only: CF3, CF5, CF10, CF11, CF14, CF15, CF23, CF24, CF64.

Visit our Instagram page@Secretgardencardiff

*Seasonal substitutions may be made due to the availability of certain flowers and foliage.

**We may need 2 days advance ordering for this design as we do not stock always stock red roses daily.



Ophelia hand tied rose bouquet using large headed long stemmed freedom red roses, arranged with textured foliage and eucalyptus. Wrapped in complimentary wrapping and presented in a gift box.

  • Small – 6 roses
  • Medium – 12 roses
  • Large – 18 roses
  • Deluxe – 24 roses
  • Super Deluxe – 48 roses

If you would prefer a different rose colour Pink/White/Lemon etc please add note in comments box on order page.

See our full range of hand tied bouquets here

We also have chocolates, candles and vases that you can send along with your Ophelia hand tied rose bouquet to make the perfect gift! Click here for a selection of perfect gifts

Flower care: To keep your fresh flowers looking fresh we recommend changing the water every other day and using the flower food provided. Snip a small amount of the stem off when you refresh the water. Keep away from heat sources or direct sunlight.

Nationwide delivery available only on Chocolates, Dried Flowers, Grow bars, Seedboms, Candles, Wreaths and Wreath kits. Please allow extra days for delivery. We do not deliver fresh flowers Nationwide.

Local delivery: Delivery will be available Monday to Saturday.  Local delivery will be available to the following postcodes only: CF3, CF5, CF10, CF11, CF14, CF15, CF23, CF24, CF64.

Visit our Instagram page@Secretgardencardiff

*Seasonal substitutions may be made due to the availability of certain flowers and foliage.

**We may need 2 days advance ordering for this design as we do not stock always stock red roses daily.

Additional information


Super Deluxe, Deluxe, Large, Medium, Small


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